Leafnote alternative
Leafnote alternative

Etymology: (Greek: mouse ear, from leaf) Note: Myosotis arvensis (L.) Hill reported from Orange Co., 1938, not persisting. Species In Genus: 50 species: temperate, boreal. Fruit: nutlets generally 4, +- lens-shaped, smooth, shiny, each with raised outer margin, attachment scar adaxially, at base, small. Flower: calyx lobes 5, tube hairs appressed to spreading, hooked at tip or not corolla salverform or wide-funnel-shaped, generally blue, white, or yellow, appendages prominent or not stamens included style generally included. Inflorescence: generally raceme-like cymes, coiled, in age +- open bracts 0 (leaf-like). Leaf: basal generally oblong or oblanceolate cauline generally linear to elliptic. Note the whisker appearance inside lesions. Habit: Annual to perennial herb, glabrous to rough-hairy roots generally fibrous. Lesions caused by the FLS pathogen as viewed from the top (left) and from the underside (right) of the leaf. Matt Guilliams, Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, David J. Matt Guilliams, Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman & Ronald B.

leafnote alternative

2016) supports segregation, for our flora, of the families Ehretiaceae, Heliotropiaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Lennoaceae, and Namaceae.ĮFlora Treatment Author: Michael G. Note: Sometimes still treated in broader sense of TJM2 (e.g., APG IV 2016 Bot J Linn Soc 181:1-20), but recent evidence (Luebert et al. Toxicity: Many genera may be TOXIC from pyrrolizidine alkaloids or accumulated nitrates. Taking these into account, we’ve listed some excellent OneNote alternative programs built with useful features.

leafnote alternative

Genera In Family: +- 90 genera, +- 1600-1700 species: mostly temperate, especially western North America, Mediterranean some cultivated ( Borago, Echium, Myosotis, Symphytum).


Fruit: nutlets 1-4, when > 1, all similar (often called "homomorphic") or 1 or 2 dissimilar in size and/or shape from the others (often called "heteromorphic"), free (fused), smooth to roughened, prickly or bristly or not. Flower: bisexual, generally radial sepals 5, free or fused at least at base corolla 5-lobed, salverform, funnel-shaped, rotate, or bell-shaped, appendages (often called "fornices") 0 or 5 at top of tube, when present often differentially pigmented, alternate stamens stamens epipetalous ovary superior, 4-lobed, style 1, entire or minutely 2-lobed (2-branched). Inflorescence: cymes, arranged singly or in groups of 2-5, generally coiled in flower, generally elongating in fruit.

leafnote alternative

Leaf: basal and/or cauline, simple, generally alternate, sometimes opposite, especially at base. Habit: Annual, perennial herb, or shrub, often bristly or sharp-hairy.

Leafnote alternative